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– CND Shellac UV Nail Polish Varnish Soak Off All Colours +Top + Base Coat
Quick Tips for successful use of CND Shellac:
1. Always use Shellac as a SYSTEM Using Shellac Base Coat, Color Coat and Top Coat along with the CND (or Brisa) UV Lamp will provide perfect synergy for optimum wear.
a. Substituting any part of the system will result in diminished performance.
b. Substituting another lamp will result in insufficient cure, which reduces durability and length of wear. The UV output of the CND lamp is specifically calibrated to the system and Shellac formulas for proper cure.
2. Proper removal using the Shellac Remover Wraps will help keep your client’s nails gorgeous and healthy! Regular soaking in bowls of acetone or utilizing cotton & foil to remove Shellac will dry out and weaken the nail structure and overexpose the surrounding skin. The advantage of using the Shellac Remover Wraps includes the following:
a. The integrated cotton pad on the Wrap isolates the acetone to the nail plate, not the skin.
b. The plastic liner in the Wrap will help to hold in warmth that will accelerate removal.
c. Pulling the Wrap from the nail helps slide away the Shellac pieces for a tidy, meticulous removal.
3. Shake, shake, and shake! Vigorously shake every bottle before use to effectively blend all ingredients.
4. Apply in thin, even coats and seal the edge of the nail for best wear and to prevent wrinkling.
5. Proper cure is critical to your success with Shellac:
a. Don’t let your lamp bulbs run out! To avoid interruption in your Shellac or Brisa Gel services, make sure you regularly check the time remaining on your lamp bulbs. Go to to view the CND in minutes Lamp Set-up Video for a reminder of these full instructions. ( Not doing so could result in your lamp shutting off during a service! Paying attention to bulb usage will ensure your lamp continues to provide optimum output to cure your Shellac and Brisa products completely.
b. Remove all film from the lamp. Before using your lamp for the first time, remove all blue film from inside the lamp. Including the bottom FOOT TRAY.
c. Place hands properly in the lamp. Make sure nails are positioned in the highest output area, which is below the center of the bulbs.
d. Lay the hand flat on the tray, and be sure the client doesn’t ‘clench’ the tray with their fingers.